MyDoc Urgent Care

(718) 401-1510


Why Won’t My Cough Go Away?

Why Won’t My Cough Go Away?

Why Won't My Cough Go Away
MyDoc Urgent Care is a full-service immediate care practice with locations in Bronx, Brooklyn, Forest Hills, and East Meadow, New York. Read what their team of emergency and family medicine specialists wants you to know about a cough that never seems to go away.

Not all coughs are the same

An occasional cough is a normal reflexive action your body uses to expel dust, bacteria, mucus, and other foreign particles from the airways. Coughs related to colds or other upper respiratory illnesses are also triggered by excess mucus and other irritants building up in your airways. A cough is your body’s attempt to clear these substances and help prevent worsening infection. These types of coughs can last for several days to weeks but usually decrease in intensity and frequency as the illness fades. A cough that may indicate a more serious problem is one that:
  • Lasts longer than expected
  • Prevents you from resting
  • Is accompanied by wheezing, shortness of breath, or noisy breathing
  • Produces discolored phlegm
  • Is accompanied by a high fever
  • Has a deep, barky quality that may indicate croup
Croup is normally linked to a cold virus and typically affects younger children. Caused by inflammation and swelling of the voice box and bronchial tubes, croup produces a cough that sounds like a barking seal. Fortunately, most chronic coughs resolve quickly once the underlying illness is identified and treated.

What causes chronic cough?

The most common causes of chronic cough are:


Coughs related to asthma may be triggered by an upper respiratory illness such as a cold. They can also occur with exposure to certain fragrances or perfumes, including those in air fresheners or scented candles. Other environmental irritants such as pollen, dust, wood or tobacco smoke, and household cleaning products can trigger an asthma-related cough.

Postnasal drip

A cough caused by postnasal drip occurs when excess mucus from your nose or sinus passages drains down the back of your throat and triggers your cough reflex. It’s often related to sinus issues or allergies and usually produces mucus or phlegm.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

GERD is a common digestive disorder that causes acids and other stomach contents to wash back up into the esophagus. Irritation caused by these caustic substances can trigger a chronic cough that may be worse at night when lying flat or accompanied by heartburn and a sour taste in your mouth.

Secondary infection

A viral respiratory illness may cause a secondary infection such as bacterial pneumonia, which may result in a cough that lasts for many weeks to months. Pneumonia can cause life-threatening complications and requires immediate medical attention.


Smoking as well as exposure to secondhand smoke are common causes of chronic cough. Smokers are also at greatly increased risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Symptoms of COPD include chronic cough and progressive shortness of breath that may eventually require supplemental oxygen.

How do you treat chronic cough?

At MyDoc Urgent Care, treatment for a chronic cough starts with an evaluation that includes a physical exam and careful review of your symptoms. Depending on the nature of your cough and the other symptoms you’re experiencing, your provider may request allergy testing, breathing tests, COVID-19 testing, and other studies to help confirm your diagnosis. These tests are provided in-office for your convenience, and results are typically available immediately. Based on those results, your treatment strategy may include a course of oral antibiotics for bacterial infection, an inhaler for asthma, allergy treatment, or medication to help soothe your cough. Your provider may also recommend treatment for GERD or further evaluation by a specialist for concerns such as COPD. Note that because young children have small airways and are more prone to developing serious complications related to respiratory issues and chronic cough, we generally recommend bringing them in for an evaluation sooner rather than later. For the highest-quality medical services provided in a family friendly environment, take advantage of our MyDoc Urgent Care walk-in clinic, or schedule your same-day doctor visit today by calling the nearest office or requesting an appointment online.


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    Medical Treatments We Offer

    Medical Treatments We Offer

    We believe in saving you time, money, and treating our patients like family. That’s why we work so hard, 365 days a year, making sure your family’s health can be taken care of in one place! Whether bringing your kids in for a yearly checkup, or making a surprise trip to the ER, at Health Professionals NYC, our hardworking staff and state-of-the-art facilities are equipped to handle all your medical needs. Our doctors are trained to treat physical injuries, such as sprains, breaks, and lacerations, in addition to allergies, illnesses, women’s health issues, and pediatric care. Give us a call to find out more information, book an appointment, or speak with one of our doctors
    • Emergency Medicine
    • School, Sport, work Annual Physicals Exams
    • Immunizations & vaccinations
    • Cuts, scrapes, wounds & lacerations
    • Sprains, strains
    • Dehydration requiring IV hydration
    • Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
    • Stomach Flu Cough, cold & flu
    • Sore throat & strep throat
    • STD & HIV screening
    • Pink eye
    • Urinary tract infections
    • Rashes and Abscess Bronchitis,
    • wheezing & asthma attacks
    • Migraines & headaches
    • Ear infections & foreign body removal
    • School, Sport, work Annual Physicals Exams


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      Allergies, Allergies, Allergies!

      Allergies, Allergies, Allergies!

      Allergies are among the most common chronic conditions worldwide. Allergy symptoms range from making you miserable to putting you at risk for life-threatening reactions. According to the leading experts in allergy, an allergic reaction begins in the immune system. Our immune system protects us from invading organisms that can cause illness. If you have an allergy, your immune system mistakes an otherwise harmless substance as an invader. This substance is called an allergen. The immune system overreacts to the allergen by producing Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. These antibodies travel to cells that release histamine and other chemicals, causing an allergic reaction. Allergy Symptoms An allergic reaction typically triggers symptoms in the nose, lungs, throat, sinuses, ears, lining of the stomach or on the skin. For some people, allergies can also trigger symptoms of asthma. In the most serious cases, a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis (an-a-fi-LAK-sis) can occur. A number of different allergens are responsible for allergic reactions. The most common include:
      • Pollen
      • Dust
      • Food
      • Insect stings
      • Animal dander
      • Mold
      • Medications
      • Latex


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        Why You Should Always Seek Medical Attention for a Urinary Tract Infection

        Why You Should Always Seek Medical Attention for a Urinary Tract Infection

        Why You Should Always Seek Medical Attention for a Urinary Tract Infection
        Approximately 60% of women and 12% of men will develop a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their lifetime according to the American Urological Association. Because it’s so common, you may be tempted to let a UTI run its course without medical intervention. But is that wise?The medical providers at MyDoc Urgent Care, located in Forest Hills and East Meadow, New York, explain how an untreated UTI can affect your health and the treatments they offer for this common but generally easy to cure infection.

        Understanding urinary tract infections

        Technically, a urinary tract infection (UTI) can occur in any part of your urinary system, which includes the:
        • Kidneys – A pair of bean-shaped, fist-sized organs located just below the ribcage
        • Ureters – A pair of tube-like structures that drain urine produced in the kidneys to the bladder
        • Urinary bladder – A small muscular organ that holds urine for disposal
        • Urethra – A hollow tube that carries urine away from the bladder and out of the body
        Most UTIs affect the urethra or bladder and are caused by bacteria entering from outside the body. Due to their anatomy, which includes a much shorter urethra, women are much more likely to develop a UTI than men.

        Symptoms associated with a UTI

        The symptoms of a UTI affecting your urethra or bladder (cystitis) may vary in intensity and character but typically include:
        • Persistent urge to urinate
        • Pelvic pain or pressure
        • Burning with urination
        • Cloudy urine
        • Red, pink, or cola-colored urine
        • Urine that smells foul or strong
        • Frequent urination of small amounts
        Note that these symptoms may also indicate other medical concerns such as pelvic organ prolapse in women and prostatic enlargement in men. Common symptoms of a kidney infection (pyelonephritis) include:
        • Pain in the lower back or side (flank)
        • High fever, often accompanied by shaking and chills
        • Nausea
        • Vomiting
        Note that your discomfort and other symptoms may begin in the lower pelvic region and then spread into the kidney area as the infection advances.

        Health complications associated with an untreated UTI

        The most serious health complications associated with an untreated UTI typically occur when the infection spreads from the urethra or bladder to one or both kidneys. This can allow infection-producing bacteria to enter your bloodstream and lead to a systemic infection (sepsis) that requires hospitalization and prompt treatment to prevent organ failure and death. Other complications related to an untreated UTI include:
        • Permanent kidney damage
        • Recurrent infections
        • Urethral narrowing (stricture) in men
        Fortunately, most UTIs are easily treated with a round of antibiotics following a simple urine study to identify the type of bacterial infection you’re experiencing. The walk-in services and same day doctor appointments available at MyDoc Urgent Care ensure that you don’t have to wait to experience relief from a UTI. We also provide helpful information that may help prevent future UTIs. Drop in to either of our locations, give us a call, or use our online service to schedule your visit.

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          Abdominal Pain

          Abdominal Pain

          5 Common Causes of Abdominal Pain
          Just about everybody at one point or another will experience abdominal pain. Most of the causes are not serious and can be readily diagnosed and treated. However, pain can also be a sign of a serious illness. It’s important to be able to recognize symptoms that are severe and know when to call a doctor.

          What Are the Most Common Causes of Abdominal Pain?

          Whether it’s a mild stomach ache, sharp pain, or stomach cramps, abdominal pain can have numerous causes. Some of the more common causes include:
          • Indigestion
          • Constipation
          • Stomach virus
          • Menstrual cramps
          • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
          • Food poisoning
          • Food allergies
          • Gas
          • Lactose intolerance
          • Ulcers
          • Pelvic inflammatory disease
          • Hernia
          • Gallstones
          • Kidney stones
          • Endometriosis
          • Crohn’s disease
          • Urinary tract infection
          • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
          • Appendicitis

          What Symptoms of Abdominal Pain Are Cause for Concern?

          If your abdominal pain is severe or recurrent or if it is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, contact your health care provider as soon as possible:
          • Fever
          • Inability to keep food down for more than 2 days
          • Any signs of dehydration
          • Inability to pass stool, especially if you are also vomiting
          • Painful or unusually frequent urination
          • The abdomen is tender to the touch
          • The pain is the result of an injury to the abdomen
          • The pain lasts for more than a few hours
          These symptoms can be an indication of an internal problem that requires treatment as soon as possible. Seek immediate medical care for abdominal pain if you:
          • Vomit blood
          • Have bloody or black tarry stools
          • Have difficulty breathing
          • Have pain occurring during pregnancy

          How Is the Cause of Abdominal Pain Determined?

          Because there are so many potential causes of abdominal pain, yourhealth care provider will perform a thorough physical exam, discuss with you the type of symptoms you are experiencing, and ask you several questions about the pain you are feeling. These questions may include:
          • What type of pain are you experiencing? Is the pain throughout your abdomen or is it confined to a particular area?
          • Where in your abdomen does the pain seem to be located?
          • What type of pain are you experiencing? Is it stabbing and severe? Is it a dull ache?
          • When does the pain occur? Always? More often in the morning or at night? If the pain comes and goes, about how long does it last each time? Does it occur
          • after eating certain types of foods or after drinking alcohol? During menstruation?
          • How long have you had this pain?
          • Does the pain also radiate into your lower back, shoulder, groin, or buttocks?
          • Are you currently taking any medications or herbal supplements?
          • Are you pregnant?
          • Does any activity such as eating or lying on one side relieve the pain?
          • Have you been injured recently?
          Once an initial evaluation has been completed, your health careprovider may have you undergo some tests to help find the cause of your pain. These may include stool or urine tests, blood tests, barium swallows or enemas, an endoscopy, X-ray, ultrasound, or CT scan.

          How Is Abdominal Pain Treated?

          Treating abdominal pain depends on its cause. Treatments can range from medications for inflammation,GERD, or ulcers, to antibioticsfor infections, to changes in personal behavior for abdominal pain caused by certain foods or beverages. In some cases, such asappendicitis and a hernia, surgery may be necessary.

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            5 Reasons You May Be Experiencing Dizziness

            5 Reasons You May Be Experiencing Dizziness

            5 Reasons You May Be Experiencing Dizziness
            Children, and even some adults, may appreciate how they feel after spinning around long enough to induce dizziness. It’s also a common effect of many screamworthy carnival rides. Most people, however, prefer to avoid unexplained dizzy spells whenever possible. MyDoc Urgent Care is a full-service immediate care practice with locations in Bronx, Brooklyn, Forest Hills, and East Meadow, New York. Their board-certified providers, led by emergency medicine physician Dr. Nabil Salib, are committed to serving these New York communities with outstanding medical services that are tailored to meet your needs. Here’s what they say about what causes dizziness and when to seek medical care.

            Five common causes of dizziness

            1. Dehydration

            Your body relies on fluids, namely water, to perform a variety of vital functions, including:
            • Temperature regulation
            • Protecting your spinal cord and joints
            • Aiding your kidneys in flushing toxins from your bloodstream
            • Circulating oxygen-rich blood to all your cells and organs
            Dehydration, which can quickly become life-threatening, occurs when you lose more water than you take in. This may be a result of overheating, excessive sweating during exercise, illness, or certain medications such as diuretics for hypertension. Along with dizziness, signs of dehydration include:
            • Decreased urination
            • Darkly colored urine
            • Confusion
            • Extreme fatigue or lethargy
            Come in for a visit at MyDoc Urgent Care if you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms or can’t keep fluids down because of illness.

            2. Cardiac issues

            Problems related to the heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently reduce blood flow to your brain, which causes varying levels of dizziness. These issues include:
            • Heart failure
            • Cardiomyopathy
            • Abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia)
            • Coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis)
            • Narrowing of the carotid arteries, which carry blood to your brain
            Note that a significant drop in your blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension) that occurs when you stand from a sitting or reclined position can also cause lightheadedness or dizziness. This may be related to certain medications, dehydration, or a circulatory issue. Your MyDoc Urgent Care provider may suggest various diagnostic labs or other studies to identify whether your dizziness may be because of your heart health.

            3. Inner ear problem

            Infection and other issues that affect the inner ear can cause vertigo. This debilitating version of dizziness makes you feel as if you or the environment around you is literally moving, tilting, or spinning. Meniere’s disease, which causes fluid buildup in the inner ear and is often accompanied by ringing in the ears (tinnitus), frequently causes vertigo. Episodes of vertigo can occur suddenly and are particularly worrisome because they greatly increase your risk of falling and sustaining a serious injury. It may be triggered by moving your head from side-to-side or tilting it upward. Protect yourself from injury by sitting down until the vertigo passes. Then travel safely to the nearest MyDoc Urgent Care location for an evaluation.

            4. Medication effects

            Antidepressants, sedatives, anti-seizure medicines, and some blood pressure medications that may lower your blood pressure more than necessary can also cause dizziness, lightheadedness, or the sense that you’re going to faint. Don’t stop taking them as prescribed, but do come in for a visit if you suspect one of your medications is causing dizziness.

            5. Chronic and acute illnesses

            Various conditions can cause dizziness that may interfere with your quality of life, including:
            • Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) related to poorly controlled diabetes
            • Neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis
            • Anemia (low iron levels)
            • Middle ear infection, particularly in children
            • Carbon monoxide poisoning
            • Anxiety disorder
            • Migraines
            At MyDoc Urgent Care, we’re happy to see you any time you’re concerned about your health. In the case of dizziness, we encourage you to come in for an evaluation whenever you experience new, persistent, or significant dizziness. Take advantage of our convenient walk-in services, or schedule a same-day doctor visit by calling the office or requesting an appointment online.  

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              Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Shortness of Breath

              Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Shortness of Breath

              Why You Shouldn't Ignore Shortness of Breath
              To provide effective treatment for any illness, your physician must first identify the underlying cause of your symptoms. In the case of shortness of breath, this could range from a viral illness such as the common cold to worsening heart disease or a life-threatening asthma attack. Our team at MyDoc Urgent Care, with four locations in New York to serve your immediate care needs, discusses the importance of understanding what’s causing your shortness of breath and how we can help.

              What is shortness of breath?

              Shortness of breath (dyspnea) is a frightening sensation that’s often described as air hunger or the feeling that you can’t catch your breath. Dyspnea may develop suddenly (acutely) and last just a few minutes or become chronic (long-lasting). Depending on the underlying cause, you may notice frequent bouts of shortness of breath or episodes that last longer and become more debilitating over time.

              What causes shortness of breath?

              Hundreds of medical conditions include shortness of breath as a common symptom, including:
              • Upper respiratory illnesses, such as colds or bronchitis
              • Asthma
              • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
              • COVID-19
              • Pneumonia and other lung infections
              • Heart problems
              • Allergies
              • Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)
              • Anemia
              • Physical deconditioning
              • Obesity
              • Croup
              • Anxiety disorders
              • Neuromuscular diseases such as multiple sclerosis
              Treatment for shortness of breath includes medication or therapies that address or control the underlying condition, such as inhalers to manage asthma or iron supplements to reverse anemia.

              Is shortness of breath a medical emergency?

              We generally consider shortness of breath a medical emergency when it is accompanied by:
              • Blue discoloration of the fingers or lips
              • Chest pain
              • Sweating and nausea
              • Irregular heartbeat
              • High fever
              • Confusion
              • Loss of consciousness
              These symptoms may signal a heart attack or worsening infection that requires immediate care.

              How can you tell what’s causing my shortness of breath?

              Your MyDoc Urgent Care evaluation includes a detailed review of all the symptoms you’re experiencing. Along with a physical exam, this can help your provider narrow the possible cause of your dyspnea. For instance, swelling in your ankles and feet, fatigue, and shortness of breath with even minimal activity may indicate a heart problem. Shortness of breath that occurs when you’re nervous but resolves when you’re able to relax may be related to anxiety. Notably, however, asthma and other conditions can cause anxiety-like symptoms such as increased heart rate and a general feeling of unease as your body and brain respond to declining oxygen levels. Thus, your MyDoc Urgent Care evaluation also includes diagnostic studies such as pulse oximetry. This quick and completely painless test measures oxygen levels in your blood. Pulse oximetry readings below 92% typically indicate the need for further diagnostic workup that may include various blood tests, a chest X-ray, pulmonary function tests, etc. Depending on the results of your evaluation, your provider may prescribe treatment to relieve your shortness of breath and/or refer you to a specialist for further management. Walk-ins are always welcome at MyDoc Urgent Care, and we’re open seven days a week for your convenience. You can also give us a call to schedule a same-day doctor visit.

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                When to Get Professional Help for Your Lower Back Pain

                When to Get Professional Help for Your Lower Back Pain

                When to Get Professional Help for Your Lower Back Pain
                About 80% of the American population should expect to experience an episode of back pain in their lifetime according to the US Library of Medicine. Fortunately, most back pain improves after a couple of weeks with conservative treatment like rest and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. Does that mean you should always wait two weeks before seeing the doctor for lower back pain? Of course not. The medical experts at mydoc Urgent Care in Forest Hills and East Meadow, New York provide outstanding care for a wide variety of issues, including low back pain. Read their guidelines regarding back pain and when to seek professional care.

                Consider your back history and what’s driving the pain

                When deciding whether your back requires professional attention, it pays to consider your medical history as well as what might be causing the pain. Lower back pain is not a condition but a symptom of an underlying issue that may include:
                • Muscular or ligamentous strain, most common
                • Herniated or ruptured spinal disc
                • Arthritis, most often osteoarthritis
                • A condition affecting nearby organs, such as a kidney infection
                If you have a known history of disc problems or previous slow to heal muscular strain and are experiencing your third episode of back pain this year, it’s probably time to check with the doctor. If you don’t typically have problems with back pain and can trace your discomfort to a sudden twinge when lifting a heavy object, home care that includes rest, ice, and heat for a couple of days may be all you need.

                Let your symptoms be your guide

                Evaluate the nature and intensity of your symptoms to gauge whether you might require medical attention. Concerning symptoms to watch for include:
                • Pain that doesn’t improve with rest
                • Sharp, stabbing, or burning pain that travels into your buttocks or lower extremities
                • Weakness or numbness in the legs
                • Pain that makes it impossible to sleep or find a comfortable position
                Always see a doctor if your pain develops following a blow to the back, fall, car accident, or other trauma.

                Monitor your progress

                Although it sometimes takes a few weeks for back pain to fully resolve, you should expect gradual improvement and decreased discomfort within a couple of days. Plan a visit to the mydoc Urgent Care office if you experience a sudden worsening of your pain or develop problems with bowel or bladder function as this could indicate a serious medical issue. Otherwise, we always encourage our patients to come in for any back issue that’s causing significant discomfort, interfering with your mobility, or making it difficult to complete your daily activities. If you’re struggling with back pain, take advantage of our convenient urgent care walk-in service, request an appointment online, or give our office a call to schedule a visit today. We’re here to help!  

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                  Can Ovarian Cysts Be Prevented?

                  Can Ovarian Cysts Be Prevented?

                  Can Ovarian Cysts Be Prevented?
                  MyDoc Urgent Care offers top-level medical services, including GYN care, from state-of-the-art facilities in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Forest Hills, East Meadow, and Little Neck, New York. Our team is happy to provide information about ovarian cysts, how they develop, and treatments that may prevent them.

                  What is an ovarian cyst?

                  Most ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop within or on an ovary. The most common type are functional cysts, which form during the menstrual cycle. Your ovaries naturally grow small inner structures called follicles each month. Normally, the follicle breaks open and releases a mature egg when you ovulate. The follicle then shrinks, becomes known as the corpus luteum, and begins producing estrogen and progesterone, which are necessary for conception. Most ovarian cysts involve the follicle or the corpus luteum. A follicular cyst occurs when the follicle doesn’t open and continues to grow without releasing an egg. A corpus luteum cyst develops when fluid builds up inside the corpus luteum, causing a cyst. Both types are usually asymptomatic unless they grow quite large; each of these types of cysts generally resolve within three to four menstrual cycles. Other ovarian cysts are less common and unrelated to the menstrual cycle. These cysts include:

                  Dermoid cysts (teratomas)

                  Teratomas can grow within an ovary and may contain hair, teeth, or skin tissue.


                  Filled with mucus, cystadenomas grow on the outer ovary surface.


                  These cysts occur in conjunction with endometriosis. Ovarian cysts, especially those unrelated to your menstrual cycle, may eventually rupture or become large enough to move the affected ovary out of position, leading to severe pain and requiring urgent medical attention.

                  Is an ovarian cyst the same as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?

                  Women usually develop one follicle per month, which may develop into a cyst. However, people with PCOS develop multiple follicles every month, which may or may not develop into fluid-filled cysts. However, PCOS also causes hormonal imbalances that may lead to the following: Irregular periods Absence of periods Weight gain Extreme fatigue, especially around your period Difficulty becoming pregnant Excessive body hair Male pattern baldness Treatment-resistant acne Increased incidence of type 2 diabetes PCOS typically develops in adolescence and requires medical care to rebalance hormonal levels and address other health complications.

                  Can you prevent ovarian cysts?

                  Unfortunately, you can’t prevent ovarian cysts. However, birth control pills that stop ovulation can reduce the incidence of symptomatic functional cysts. Other cyst types, such as teratomas, require careful monitoring or surgical removal. Routine pelvic exams or women’s health visits can ensure that changes in your ovaries are diagnosed quickly and treated appropriately. Also, visit MyDoc Urgent Care if you’re experiencing the following symptoms: Abdominal bloating Pressure sensation in the pelvic region Sharp, stabbing pain below the belly button Dull pelvic pain that may be more noticeable on one side Changes in your menstrual cycle Sudden, severe abdominal or pelvic pain, fever, or vomiting could signal the need for immediate medical attention. Take advantage of MyDoc Urgent Care’s walk-in clinic or same-day doctor visits today. Call the office, or use our online services to request an appointment.

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                    When Should You Seek Help for a Fever?

                    When Should You Seek Help for a Fever?

                    When Should You Seek Help for a Fever?
                    Dr. Nabil Salib and the team at MyDoc Urgent Care are well-known for their medical expertise and commitment to providing outstanding care to patients of all ages from four state-of-the-art immediate care facilities in New York. Read what these experts have to say about rising temperatures and when it’s time to seek professional help for a fever.

                    Understanding fever

                    Although the numbers can vary slightly from individual-to-individual and even according to the time of day or your age, the human body functions best at an internal temperature of about 98.6° Fahrenheit. Your brain, specifically the hypothalamus, is responsible for monitoring and regulating body temperature. When your temperature climbs too high, the hypothalamus stimulates sweat and other protective measures to help cool you off. An extremely hot environment, physical exertion, and even internal processes such as digestion can raise your temperature. Sometimes your hypothalamus raises body temperature by releasing certain substances (prostaglandins) in response to bacterial or viral infection. It’s believed that the higher temperature helps your immune system destroy these “invaders.” Although fevers related to an illness are a temporary part of life for most of us, there are times when a significant increase or persistent elevation in body temperature is cause for concern.

                    When is a fever dangerous?

                    A significantly elevated body temperature can result in seizures, fainting, and even death. When determining the potential health risks associated with a fever, we generally consider three factors:
                    • The temperature itself
                    • Your age
                    • Symptoms you are experiencing along with fever
                    Whenever your temperature climbs above 104° F, it’s potentially dangerous. However, because babies and younger children have a much lower tolerance for variations in body temperature, even a change of fewer than two degrees is concerning for them. Seek urgent medical care for fevers above:
                    • 100.4° F in infants younger than three months
                    • 102° F in children between the ages of three and 24 months
                    • 103° F in older children and adults
                    Notably, adults over 65 tend to run a baseline temperature that’s naturally lower than 98.6 F. Thus, what might be rated as a mild fever in younger adults can signal a serious health concern for seniors.

                    Consider other symptoms

                    Other symptoms to watch for when contemplating a trip to MyDoc Urgent Care for fever include:
                    • Persistent vomiting or diarrhea, which may lead to dehydration
                    • Severe headache
                    • Skin rash
                    • Pain and stiffness in the neck when bending your head forward
                    • Mental confusion
                    • Listlessness or lethargy, especially in babies and young children
                    • Persistently elevated temperature despite using a fever reducer such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc.
                    • Irritability and inconsolable crying in infants
                    • Cough that prevents you from resting or has a deep “barky” quality
                    • Chest tightness, wheezing, or difficulty breathing
                    Otherwise, we encourage you to see one of our urgent care specialists whenever you’re concerned about a fever or any other symptoms that worsen or don’t resolve as quickly as expected. Also note that a fever occurring after exposure to extreme temperatures, such as sitting in a parked car on a sunny day or residing in a home/apartment without air conditioning, is a warning sign of heat stroke, which can quickly become fatal and requires emergency medical care. For your convenience, MyDoc Urgent Care is open seven days a week, and walk-ins are always welcome. You can also schedule a same-day doctor visit with a phone call or online appointment request if you prefer. We’re here to help!

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