Shortness of breath medically known as Dyspnea is a medical condition in which a person suffers from tightening of chest, air hunger, difficulty in breathing and suffocation.
It feels like if one has done a really hard work like climbing a mountain or run a sprint like one cannot take a full breath or have to breath more quickly and it becomes hard feels like if you have an oxygen deficit. If one does exercise regularly he/she may have been through this situation but if these feelings come out of the context then its an alarm and a proper medical checkup is required. It is not difficulty in breathing which is another condition.
Common Causes
Usually higher temperatures, Higher altitudes, obesity and strenuous exercises can commonly cause shortness of breath also smokers are more prone to suffer from shortness of breath. If someone is suffering from shortness of breath besides these situations then it could be caused by a medical condition.
Several medical conditions are also responsible for shortness of breath. These include:
There are certain factors which makes one more susceptible to suffer shortness of breath includes
If you or someone suffers from it be abrupt in calling us to take an appointment and we’ll be at your service and treat the condition accordingly. And first thing if one is a smoker is to quit it. And other strategies ,if there is no underlying medical condition, to cope up and reduce your symptoms like postural and lifestyle changes.