MyDoc Urgent Care

(718) 401-1510


shin | Treatments at myDoc Urgent Care in Forest Hills, Queens NY

A viral infection that infections skin dermatomes caused by the Varicella-Zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox and causes painful lesions. Symptoms are usually a painful rash that presents as a cluster of blisters limited to either side of the body but not both sides. Other symptoms include but are not limited to burning, numbness, itching, fever, and fatigue. Complications include but are not limited to Postherpetic neuralgia, lingering pain after healing infection, vision loss if shingles develop around the eyes, facial numbness, or paralysis. Diagnosis is made via examination and, history taking, blood tests.  Treatment is Valtrex, acyclovir, and anti-numbness medication like Neurontin. There is no cure for Shingles, but there is an available vaccine.

The Symptoms of the Virus

Are as follows: • Skin rash sometimes called blisters, that is limited to one side of the body (unilateral) • Burning, stinging, or itching that usually starts with a single sore • Fever • Fatigue • Numbness or tingling in the skin • Headaches

The Cause of the Virus

The virus that causes chickenpox, called the Varicella-Zoster virus, can cause a rash called shingles in the late stages of the infection. It has been said that if you have chickenpox, the likelihood of shingles increases the longer you wait to get vaccinated. Shingles are a prevalent condition. It is estimated that about 1 in 5 people over 50 will get shingles at some point during their lifetime. But, it is much less common among younger adults. Shingles are most likely to affect older people who have had chickenpox already.

Shingle is a viral infection that causes painful blisters on one side of your body.

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